Sunday Worship

Latest Service and Event Details

Sunday Morning Worship is held at 10:30 each week, with Holy Communion on the third Sunday of the month. We worship together through music, a time of personal repentance, teaching and prayer. Our style is informal and our intent is that everyone can praise and worship God with joy and thankfulness. The children meet for Junior Church with appropriate Bible teaching whilst the adults have their Bible teaching.

Prayer ministry is offered every Sunday morning after the service and anyone who has a need is welcome to come and be prayed for by members of the prayer ministry team.

Everyone is welcome to join us for worship at Christ Church, our worship pattern is as follows:

1st Sunday

10:30 Morning Worship, with Junior Church

2nd Sunday

10:30 Morning Worship, with Junior Church

3rd Sunday

10:30 Morning Worship and Holy Communion, with Junior Church

4th Sunday

15:00 All-age Worship

5th Sunday

10:30 Morning Worship, with Children's Activity


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